Publications récentes
10 décembre 2018
The Role of Behavioral Phenotypes on Impaired Driving Recidivism Risk and Treatment Response to Brief Intervention: A Preliminary Study
3 décembre 2018
Primary Health Care Organizational Characteristics Associated with better Accessibility: Data from the QUALICO-PC Survey in Quebec
1er décembre 2018
Impact of child restraint policies on child occupant fatalities and injuries in Chile and its regions: An interrupted time-series study
1er décembre 2018
Neighborhood Perceptions Associated with Gambling Outcomes
1er novembre 2018
Dataset and figures on time-series analysis of child restraint policy impact in Chile
1er octobre 2018
Non-adult child supervision practices in Lao People’s Democratic Republic
1er octobre 2018
Entrée précoce sur le marché du travail à 13 ans et répercussion sur la SST des jeunes occupant un emploi à 15 ans
2 août 2018
A systematic Review of Psychopathology Features, Personality, and Emotion Processes in Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1
1er août 2018
La collaboration interprofessionnelle en santé et services sociaux
1er août 2018
The impact of perceived injustice on pain-related outcomes: a combined model examining the mediating roles of pain acceptance and anger in a chronic pain sample
31 juillet 2018
Patient and health system factors associated with hospital readmission in older adults without cognitive impairment
19 juillet 2018
Cognitive decline and alcohol consumption adjusting for functional status over a 3-year period in French speaking community living older adults
5 juillet 2018
Impact of the addition of new vaccines in the early childhood schedule on vaccine coverage by 24 months of age from 2006 to 2016 in Quebec, Canada
29 juin 2018
Determinants of influenza vaccination among a large adult population in Quebec
19 juin 2018
Myotonic dystrophy type 1: reasons to be OPTIMISTIC