Feasibility evaluation of a return-to-work program for workers with common mental disorders: Stakeholders’ perspectives

Abstract: Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of a newly developed return-to-work program for workers with common mental disorders from the perspective of stakeholders (insurers, employers, unions, and workers). Methods: We used a sequential mixed design. First, we conducted a survey to evaluate the levels of stakeholder agreement with the program’s feasibility. Second, we conducted a number of independent, homogeneous-group discussions or individual interviews to deepen stakeholders’ reflections and allow co-construction of a shared perspective of the program’s feasibility. Results: Overall, the stakeholders (insurers (n = 6), employers (n = 7), unions (n = 8), and workers (n = 3)), agreed partly to totally with the feasibility of the specific/intermediate objectives, components/tasks, and duration of the components. They identified obstacles that could hinder program implementation. These obstacles pertained mainly to employers’ contexts, e.g., difficulty/impossibility of offering job accommodations. They also proposed facilitators to counteract most of these obstacles. Diverging views were found regarding both the role of union representatives and health professionals in the program, and for the duration of the components. Conclusion: Overall, the program was perceived as feasible to implement, provided that the potential factors discussed are taken into account. The next step will be to evaluate its implementation in real practice settings.

DOI: http://10.3233/WOR-203283


janvier 2020








